Karlarnir í skúrnum opna í Borgarnesi! Við bjóðum þig velkominn á opnunarhátíð fimmtudaginn 23. janúar – stað þar sem karlar hittast, spjalla, gera við og smíða hluti og njóta félagskapar.
Hvetjum alla sem áhuga hafa á að koma og sjá þessa gríðarlega góðu vinnu sem Aldan hefur lagt í þetta verkefni með ómetanlegri hjálp frá Skúla Ingvarssyni og Birgi Ásgeirssyni, en þeir kappar hafa verið vaknir og sofnir í að koma þessu á koppinn sem fyrst 

Sjá nánari upplýsingar hér.
Opening ceremony of social work for senior citizens – The men in the shed! Sólbakka 4.
The men in the shed open in Borgarnes! We welcome you to the grand opening on Thursday 23rd January – a place where men meet, chat, repair and build things and enjoy company.
We encourage everyone who is interested to come and see this extremely good work that Aldan has put into this project with invaluable help from Skúla Ingvarsson and Birgi Ásgeirsson, but those warriors have been awake and asleep to get this done as soon as possible.🙂
The men in the shed open in Borgarnes! We welcome you to the grand opening on Thursday 23rd January – a place where men meet, chat, repair and build things and enjoy company.
We encourage everyone who is interested to come and see this extremely good work that Aldan has put into this project with invaluable help from Skúla Ingvarsson and Birgi Ásgeirsson, but those warriors have been awake and asleep to get this done as soon as possible.🙂