Borgarbyggð offers a wide range of sports and leisure activities suitable for all age groups. Borgarbyggð works according to the municipality’s sports and leisure policy approved by the local government. The latest policy can be found on Borgarbyggð’s website.
After School Program
Leisure subsidy
Borgarbyggð supports the leisure activities of children and young people aged from 6 to 18 years old with a grant every year. The amount can be found on Borgarbyggð’s website.
The leisure subsidy may be used for the following:
- Organised leisure activities that are carried out under the guidance of a trainer or instructor lasting continuously for a minimum of 10 weeks. This applies for example to all sport activities carried out by recognized sports clubs, dance classes in dance schools, scouts as well as other regular leisure activities.
- Gym, annual pass/swimming pass for teenagers aged 13-16, thought under the supervision of a trainer and lasting continuously for a minimum of 10 weeks.
- Gym, annual pass/swimming pass for teenagers older than 16 years old.
- Classes in a music school lasting continuously for a minimum of 10 weeks.
The leisure subside may also be used at other entities in member associations within Borgarbyggð (see for details) as well as in other municipalities.
All applications are processed electronically.
More detailed information may be found on Borgarbyggð’s website or at the email address
After-school Centres
Both of the elementary schools in Borgarbyggð operate after-school centres. There, children aged 6 to 9 are offered a variety of leisure activities after the school day ends. Emphasis is placed on offering exciting subjects which give children an outlet for their need for play and creativity.
Services for children with special needs are individually organised in each after-school centre in cooperation with parents, school and other professionals involved with the children’s cases.
Application for admission to after-school centres can be made on Borgarbyggðar’s website
Borgarsel í Borgarnesi
Phone: 847-7997 |
Ólátagarður á Hvanneyri
Phone: 776-6008 Email:
Frístund á Kleppjárnsreykjum
Phone: 768-2225 Email:
Youth Community Centre
Community Centre Óðal
Borgarbyggð’s community centre is located in Borgarnes. The community centre offers activities for municipality’s children and youths in grades from 5 to 10. Once per week the community centre is open to the middle school children (grades 5-7).
Óðal’s youth council works on programs and events in collaboration with other staff. Annual events in Óðal include a wake night, LAN and a group trip to Samfestingurinn. At regular openings are offered various fun events, balls and open houses. The community centre Óðal is a member of SAMFÉS, the association of community centres.
Detailed information about opening hours, bus schedules and contact information can be found on Borgarbyggðar’s website.
General Information:
Address: Gunnlaugsgata 8b, 310 Borgarnes
Phone: 433-7260
Leisure time shuttle
Borgarbyggd offers children and youths of elementary school age a leisure time shuttle in Borgarnes every weekday after the end of a school day. Shuttle has two routes, where one car leaves from Varmaland and another car leaves from Kleppjárnsreykjar, with a stop at Hvanneyri.
Detailed information and timetables can be found on the Elementary School of Borgarfjörður’s website,
On all weekdays during the school year, Strætó’s route 81 runs the regional ring. The bus leaves at 18:00 from the Sports Hall in Borgarnes.
Tickets can be bought at the counter in the sports hall.
Further information and timetables can be found on Strætó’s website,
Youth Council
The Borgarbyggð Youth Council is a formal council of youths who wish to represent young people in the municipality. Their main incentive is to express their opinions, as well as being a platform where young people can influence the issues they recognize as important.
The Youth Council organises various events, including a youth congress. Once a year they have an official meeting with the local government where they present their opinions and ideas.
Further information can be found on Instagram under @ungmennarad.borgarb
Summer Entertainment
Borgarbyggð offers fun and varied summer courses to children aged from 6 to 9. Summer Entertainment operates in Borgarnes and Hvanneyri and offers a shuttle from Kleppjárnsreyki and Baula. The aim of the Summer Entertainment is to offer the children in the municipality a variety of entertainments as well as outdoor activities during the summer.
The aim is to offer diverse summer courses for children in 5th to 7th grade.
Further information about the arrangements can be found yearly at the end of April on Borgarbyggðar’s website .
Swimming pools and sports centres
Sports centres and swimming pools in Borgarbyggð are in three locations in the municipality: Borgarnes, Kleppjárnsreyki and Varmaland. Opening hours, training availability and general activities vary from location to location. Further information can be found on Borgarbyggðar’s website.
Sundlaugin og íþróttamiðstöðin í Borgarnesi
Þorsteinsgata 1, 310 Borgarnes Phone: 433-7140 |
Sundlaugin og íþróttamiðstöðin á Varmalandi
Varmalandi, 311 Borgarnes Phone: 433-1401 |
Sundlaugin og íþróttamiðstöðin á Kleppjárnsreykjum
Kleppjárnsreykir, 320 Reykholt Phone: 435-1140 |
Sport activities
Youth Association of Borgarfjörður
The Youth Association of Borgarfjörður has the task of providing its association members with services in the field of sports as well as social work. Its board aims to strengthen social work amongst its association members and to be a common denominator for sports at the community area for the benefit of the members.
Children and youths can be registered for sport practices that are available in the municipality on the association’s website, where timetables and other information about the member clubs can also be viewed.
General Information:
Address: Bjarnabraut 8, 310 Borgarnes
Phone: 437-1411
Here below is information about sports and leisure activities for all age groups in Borgarbyggð.
Golf courses
In Borgarbyggð, there are four excellent golf courses, operating with a strong club activity.
Golfklúbburinn Skrifla
Reykholtsdalsvöllur Phone: 435-1472 Email:
Golfklúbburinn Húsafelli
Húsafellsvöllur Phone: 435-1552 Email:
Golfklúbbur Borgarness
Hamarsvöllur Phone: 437-2000 & 437-1663 Email: |
Golfklúbburinn Glanni
Glannaskáli Hreðavatni Phone: 571-5414 Email:
Borgarfjörður Athletics Association
The club offers athletics practices for children from 1st to 4th grade and then for 5th grade and older.
Registration can be made on the UMSB website,, where timetables can also be found.
Facebook: Frjálsíþróttafélag Borgarfjarðar
Borgfjörður Equestrian Association
Borgfjörður Equestrian Association is located in Borgarnes.
Detailed information about events, courses and other things can be found on the association’s website
Reykdælir Youth Association
The youth association offers young people various practices such as volleyball, football, basketball and swimming.
Practices take place at the sports hall in Kleppjárnsreykjar.
Registration can be made on the UMSB website,, where timetables can also be found.
Skallagrímur offers badminton, football and basketball practices in Borgarnes.
Registration can be made on the UMSB website,, where timetables can also be found.
Practices take place in Borgarnes.
Youth Association Íslendingur
The youth association organises volleyball practices for adults.
Registration can be made on the UMSB website,, where timetables can also be found.
Borgarfjörður Bridge Club
The bridge club plays in Logaland on Monday evenings and everyone is welcome.
Further information about the club and contacts can be found on the club’s website